Welcome to our practice! Today’s Date: Date
Please print legibly and fill in all fields.
Patient Name: __First_name_________Middle_initial______Last_name
First M.I. Last
Birthday: __ DOB_ SSN: _SSN __ Gender: copFemale copMale
Age: __ Age_
Street Address: street_address___
City/State/Zip: city_state_zip_____
Primary Phone: Primary-Phone___
Secondary Phone: Secondary_Phone__
Email: Email_________________ Preferred Contact Method:opPhone opEmail
Marital Status: single Single married Married Ethnicity: _____Ethnicity
Emergency Contact: Emergency_contact____ Phone: _Phone
Patient Employer: _____Patient-Employer__ Occupation: ____Occuption
We like to say thank you for referrals! Please share with us how you heard about Dr. Mazaheri?
copTV Ad copMagazine copNewsletter cop Seminar copSalon Salon_________________
copWebsite copDoctor _ Doctor_ref
copFriend/Relative ___ friend_ref
copOther _____other_ref
We encourage you to select any/all goals you have, even if unrelated to your consultation. This will allow Dr. Mazaheri to address all concerns with you and see how we can help you achieve a more confident, radiant self.
Patient Goals:
What are your goals today? fill_in_goals_here
Learn more about medical grade skincare products?
copYes copNo
Learn more about how custom facials can improve your skin’s feel and appearance? copYescopNo
Learn more about injectables like Botox and Juvederm?
copYes copNo
Learn more about Viveve, a one-time vaginal restoration treatment? copYes copNo
Learn more about our med spa membership? copYes copNo
Patient Signature: Signature_________________ Date:__Date
*Have patient confirm information is correct one year from date above and sign below. *
Signature: Signature_________________________________ Date: Date
Health History
Today’s Date: Date
Patient Name: __First_name___Middle_initials_____Last_name
First M.I. Last
Birthday: __DOB__ Gender: cop Female copMale
Age: __ Age_
Height: ______Height________ Weight: ____Weight____
Purpose for Today’s Visit:
All Previous Surgeries (include year):
Health Problems (Past & Present):
check_optionDiabetes check_optionHigh Blood Pressure
check_optionHeart Problems check_optionLung/Breathing Problems
check_optionEasy Bruising check_optionBleeding/Clotting Problems
check_optionCancer check_optionPsychiatric/Depression
check_optionUrinary Symptoms/Leakage check_optionVaginal Dryness
check_optionOther: __check_option_text_
Please provide more information on positive responses: Fill_In_positive_response
Do you smoke? copYes copNo
*If yes, how many packs per day? __number_of_packs
*Are you currently on any weight loss medication? (Ozempic, Semaglutide, Mounjaro, etc.): copYes copNo
Please list all current medications (include over-the-counter, supplements, and vitamins): Fill_in_meds______________
List all allergies: Fill_In_List_of_Allergies
Allergy to Latex? copYes copNo
Primary Care Doctor: Primary_care_doctor____ Date of Last Physical:DLP
Patient Signature: Signature______________Date: Date
*Have patient confirm information is correct one year from date above and sign below. *
Signature: Signature______________________________ Date: Date